Registrar’s Office

KNU Registrar’s Office is dedicated to provides high quality of academic services including advice, up-to-date information, guidance and support to prospective students, senior and junior students and academic departments, colleges, and staff.
The University Registrar’s Office is committed to put the university\'s mission into practice and acts as professional leadership in terms of strategic priorities of student success, planning, guiding, implementing, community, accountability and monitoring KNU’s academic programmes and strategic plans. Further mission is to provide active and experienced candidates who are required to fulfill the needs of stakeholders locally and internationally. Registrar’s Office is dedicated to high ethical and professional values in terms of accuracy, reliability, and confidentiality of student records.
The Registrar’s Office strives to provide reliable high-quality student-centered services through our motivated and active staff. The Registrar’s Office works with the wider University Community, national educational centers as well as government on a wide range of admissions-related issues. Constant development and technological innovation of university services through encouraging the staff toward collaboration and creativity are central visions of the Registrar’s Office.
Core Values
- Accuracy and Reliability in implementing all the regulations and instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education in line with Knowledge University policies, as well as being accurate in all university records.
- Integrity and Confidentiality in the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles to preserve confidentiality and honesty in all aspects of work and student records.
- Transparency, the Registrar’s Office permanently ensures there is transparency in the work through giving access to information in a clear and easily understandable way.
- Sustainable development and innovation through providing new ideas and updating and challenging current implementations to be in equivalent with wide world universities.
- Professionalism and environment friendly, the Registrar’s Office strive to provide high professional services and environment friendly through making processes and procedures simple and clear.
The Registrar’s Office deals with many areas including:
- Admission
- Recruitment of Students
- Student Information System
- Grade Reporting
- Registration Process
- Academic Calendar
- Maintaining Student Records
- Student Support
- Academic Support
- Coordination with partner universities
- Preparing and coordinating Orientation
- Assessing fee status