Department: Environmental Engineering
Talib Khalil Ibrahim,PhD holder from University of Manchester Institute of Science&Technology in United Kingdom and a professor at Department of Environmental Engineering,College of Engineering,Knowledge University /Erbil-Iraqi Kurdistan Region.I began my career as a researcher(then senior researcher&chair researcher) in Nuclear Research Center(NRC) in Baghdad from July 1978 to April 1998.During that period,I was lecturing and supervising MSc and PhD students in many Iraqi universities.After leaving NRC,continued teaching as a full professor in chemistry department in the college of science/Salahaddin University(2001-2002). In october 2003 ,I was nominated as a Director General of Material Science Directorate in the Ministry of Science
&Technology(MoST)/Baghdad till 2011. During that period,I was elected as Iraq representative to ARASIA board/IAEA-Vienna(2004-2010) and as a member of preparatory committee in Arab Atomic Energy Agency(AAEA) in Tunisia(2005-2010). In Feb.2011, I returned back to Kurdistan/Erbil and started a career at Tishik University,College of Dentistry teaching Restorative Dental Materials in the academic year 2011-2012.In october 2012 joined Chemistry Dept. in Soran University as a scientific visitor. In December 2013 joined Knowledge University ,Dept. Of Environmental Engineering/College of Engineering.In 2015 I was nominated as Head of Environmental Engineering,then as Dean of College of Engineering of the same
university(2016-2021). In addition to my post as a Dean,I took the responsibility of the president of Knowledge University for the period March 2019 to October 2019.Nominated as Vice President for Scientific Affairs in Knowledge University in November 2021. In the period of my career I attended more than 40 international conferences,workshops,and technical meetings.Head and member of more than 35 MSc and PhD viva. Nationally awarded three medals.
Paper Publications:
1-Location of supercage sodium and water molecules in hydrated Na-X zeolite, JCS Chem. Comm., (1978), 498.
2- On the structures of X- and Y- type zeolite .II.non – framework structural disorder and variability in hydrated Na-X . Zeolite, 1982, Vol 2, July, Page167.
3- Structural investigation of 4,’4,- bipyridy1 complexes with lanthanides, Eng. & Technology, Vol.12 No. 10,(1993),76.
4- Triclinic and orthorhombic systems for Nd+³ -4,’4 bipy complexes, Eng. & Technology, Vol.12 No.6, (1993), 17.
5- Crystal and molecular structure of 4,’4 – bipyridinum nitrate trinitrato dioxo uranium (VI), Eng. & Technology, Vol.11, No.6(1992), 86.
6- Crystal and molecular structure of 4,’4 dipyridinum diaquahexanitraatothorate (IV), Eng. & Technology, Vol.11, No.5, (1992), 24.
7- Structural studies on the conformational change of the crown ether within the urany1 nitrate dibenzo – 18 – crown – 6 molecule, Eng. & Technology, Vol.12, No3, (1993), 84.
8- Preparation, characterization and crystal structure of 4,’4 – bipyridinum nitrate trinitrato – thorate (IV), J. of alloys and Compounds, 210 (1994) 319-324.
9- Synthesis of pure and mixed polymers of acrylo compounds by means of radiation and initiators and the comparison of their electrical properties. J.Al- Fateh, No.2, April (1998)47.
10- Radiation induced chemical polymerization of mixtures of acrylo compounds and the comparison of their optical properties. J.Al- Fateh, No.2, April (1998)47.
11- Monoclinic and triclinic systems for Eu+³ -4.’4 bipy complexes, Eng. & Technology, Vol.18, No.5(1999),528.
12- Structural investigation of 4.’4 bipyridy1 complexes with lanthanides La(NO3)(H2O)2 . (4.’4-bipy) (4.’4- bipy H ), Eng. & Technology, Vol.19, No.3, (2000), 224.
13- Thermal and spectroscopic studies of Lanthanide – Bipyridy1 complexes. Eng. & Technology, No.1, Vol.20, (2001), 167.
14- Preparation of Ultra – fine powders by low power CO2 laser, Eng. & Technology, Vol.19, No.6, (2000), 620.
15- Determination of sintering Kinetics : A study of α – cristobalite, Sci.J.Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, Vol.2, No.2(2000), 177.
16- Crystal structure determination of 2,2 and 4,4-bipyridyl complexes with Neodymium(III)nitrate,Iraqi Journal of Science and Technology,Vol.2,No.1 (2005),112.
17- Rapid solidification processing of Al-3%Mg alloy,Eng. and Technology,Vol.25 ,No.10 (2007) 1099.
18- Radioactive waste management policy and strategy in Iraq-10299,WM 2010 Conference,March 7-11,2010,Phoenix,AZ,USA.
19- The influence of dispersed boron carbide on the mechanical properties of magnesium oxide. First Conference on physics and Material Research, IAEC, Baghdad-Iraq,1999.
20- -X- ray diffraction investigation of Ag-13X Zeolite. First Iraqi Conference on Glass and Ceramics, Baghdad-Iraq, June 1999.
21- Crack propagation in MgO – B4C composite ceramics. First Iraqi conference on glass and ceramics, June 1999.
22- Sintering behaviour of doped a- cristobalite, Iraqi J. Sci. Vol.42, No.1, (2001),54
23- Investigation of the microstructure of bioactive glass and glass ceramics, First Iraqi Conference on glass and Ceramics, Baghdad-Iraq, June 1999.
24- An investigation to some physical and mechanical properties of silver – tin alloys. Second Scientific Conference, College of Science, University of Baghdad, March 1999.
25- Future coordination in the peaceful uses of nuclear technology in the arab states. Second international conference on nuclear technologies in the service of regional societies,26-27 March 2010,Manama,Kingdom of Bahrain.
26- Decommissioning of The Former Iraq nuclear Facilities:Disscussion of Problem,IAEA documentation-Vienna,Feb.2006.
27- Decommissioning of The Former Iraq Nuclear Facilities: Regulatory and Strategy,IAEA Docummentation-Vienna,Nov.2006.
28- Radioactive Waste Manegment Policy and Strategy For The Republic of Iraq,IAEA Docummentation-Vienna,July 2008.
29- Views on :The National Strategic Profile for Iraq,IAEA-Docummentation,Amman-Jordan,1-2 Nov. 2009.
30- The impact of stripping gas flow rate on triethylene glycol,J.Chemical Engineering& process Technology,vol.8,issue 3,1-6,2017.
31- Direct contact heat exchange for energy recovery from hot temperature petroleum refinery streams,International J. Of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Engineering Science,1(1),1-10,2017
32- An overview of Geo-Polymer concrete Including Recycled Aggregate, International Journal Of Scientific and Technology Research,Vol. 9,Issue 03,6239-6245,2020.
33- Preparation of Ultrafine Particles From Ceramic Refractory Material Using CO2 Laser,Iraqi Journal Of Physics,7 (8),82-84,2009.
34- Compressive and flexural strengths of recycled aggregate concrete:Effect of different contents of metakaoline,Materials Today:Proceedings,vol 45,part 6,4719-4723,2021.
35- Simulation of sinusoidal enclosure filled with nanoparticles enhanced PCM,Jurnal of Molecular Liquids,337(2021)116388.
36- Utilization of system –Butadiene Rubber (SBR) polymer replacement of Fine Aggregate in Concrete, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Oct.14th /2021
37- Performance of Recycled coarse Aggregate Concrete Incorporation Metakaolin, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Oct.14th /2021.
38- Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Pervious Concrete Containing Recycled Aggregate,CivilEngineering and Architecture,9(6), 1735-1743, 2021.
DOI : 10.13189/cea.2021.090607
1- Manufacturing of composite ceramics, C.O.S.O.C., IRAQ, 2001.
2- Manufacturing of thermal ceramic binder, C.O.S.O.C., IRAQ, 2000.
Theses supervised for Degree
1- Crystal structure analysis of the Lanthanide – Bipyridyl complexes – 1988.
2- Crystal structure analysis of the pr - Bipyridyl complexes – 1989.
3- A study of sintering behaviour in alumina ceramic materials – 1994.
4- The effect of surface and grain boundary scattering on electrical properties of thin metallic films – 1995.
5- Investigation of some physical and mechanical properties of MgO – B4C ceramic composite material – 1996.
6- A study of sintering behaviour in magnesium oxide ceramic material – 1999.
7- Preparation and study of some dental porcelain materials 1999.
Theses supervised for Ph.D. Degree
1-Comparison study of some physical properties of synthesized polymers by means of radiation
and chemical methods.
2-Sintering and microstructure development of a- cristobalite – 1999.
3- Preparation of bioactive glass and investigating some of its physical and mechanical properties – 2000 .
• General Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry
• Physical chemistry
• Environmental Chemistry
• Radiation Pollution
• Nuclear chemistry
• Quantum chemistry
• Medical Terminology
• Advanced ceramic technology
• Restorative dental materials
-Golden Medal For Excellence in Nuclear Technology Development. Iraq Atomic Energy Commission,1996.
-Silver Medal For Excellence in Research & Teaching,Government Of Iraq,1999.
-Scientists Shield For Excellence in Strengthining & Developing Technology Transfer To Iraq, Government Of Iraq,2006.