2nd EAI International Conference on Forthcoming Networks and Sustainability in the IoT Era
Over the last few years we have witnessed a rapid growth in Internet of Things (IoT) that provides ubiquitous connectivity between physical components and cyber space. These advances have been possible as a result of the convergence of intelligent computing techniques, software and hardware technologies. This will ease the significant growth of new devices and smart things that need to be connected to the Internet through a variety of wireless technologies. Besides, IoT-enabled smart cities aim to improve the quality of life of citizens in several areas such as energy usage, healthcare, environment, water and transportation. These emerging services open the way to new domains, services and business models beyond the traditional mobile Internet. The connectivity of billions of IoT devices opens up several requirements in terms of Quality of Service, scalability, reliability, real-time services and energy efficiency. Thus, it is becoming increasingly important to develop adaptive, robust, scalable, reliable solutions for IoT applications. These are only some examples of the challenges that are of interest to researchers in Forthcoming Networks and Sustainability in the IoT Era (FoNeS-IoT).
The works that will be presented at the conference will focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:
• Machine learning for IoT Systems
• IoT for health care systems
• AI enabled IoT education systems
• Sustainable power system based on IoT and AI
• Protocols and algorithms for wireless sensor networks
• M2M for control and automation systems
• Internet/Web of Things and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications
• Cloud/edge/fog computing for smart cities
• Internet of Flying Things
• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in IoT
• Cloud/edge/fog computing for smart cities
• IoT and Cyber Physical Systems for smart cities
• Secure and Trustworthy Computing for smart cities
• Social media and urban awareness
• Blockchain for IoT networks
• AI and Machine Learning for secure and sustainable smart cities
• 5G and beyond 5G networks
• Wearable devices for communications and computing
• Energy harvesting and sustainability in smart cities
• Employment of IoT and mobile network technologies for education
All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library: FoNeS-IoT Conference Proceedings.
Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, Ei Compendex, Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
• Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal (IF: 2.602).
All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
• EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things (Open Access)
• EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems (Open Access) – indexed in ESCI & Ei CompendexAdditional publication opportunities:
• EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book Series
(titles in this series are indexed in Ei Compendex, Web of Science & Scopus)