Knowledge University Delegation Strengthens Ties with Halabja University through Collaborative Initiatives
  • 30-11-2023

Knowledge University Delegation Strengthens Ties with Halabja University through Collaborative Initiatives

In a landmark initiative aimed at enhancing academic cooperation, a delegation from Knowledge University embarked on a visit to the Presidency of Halabja University. Led by (Mr. Bawar Ali Haji - Assistant Lecturer at Knowledge University) and (Lawa Nuri Saeid - Media) from Knowledge University, the delegation was graciously welcomed by the esteemed President of Halabja University, Prof. Dr. Mahabad Kamil, along with her accompanying team of academics and administrators. The visit, characterized by an atmosphere of mutual respect and shared aspirations for academic excellence, unfolded into a series of intensive consultations and discussions. Both sides actively engaged in dialogue, exploring various avenues for collaboration in research, education, and other scientific endeavors.

Serious opinions were exchanged on topics ranging from joint research projects to faculty and student exchange programs, reflecting the commitment of both universities to fostering a culture of collaborative learning and knowledge exchange. Looking ahead, a reciprocal visit was announced, with Prof. Dr. Mahabad Kamil expressing eagerness to visit Knowledge University in the coming months. This reciprocal exchange is expected to deepen the ties between the institutions and open new opportunities for collaborative ventures on a broader scale.

As a tangible symbol of appreciation and goodwill, the Knowledge University delegation presented Prof. Dr. Mahabad Kamil with a prestigious shield of honor. This token not only signifies the respect and regard between the institutions but also serves as a visual representation of the shared commitment to advancing academic pursuits. The visit concluded with a sense of optimism and anticipation for the future collaborations that will unfold between Knowledge University and Halabja University. Both institutions are poised to embark on a journey of shared exploration, innovation, and academic growth, setting the stage for a lasting partnership in the realm of higher education.

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