Medical Laboratory Sciences Students Conduct Health Tests and Bring Joy to Kaurgosk Camp Residents
  • 08-06-2023

Medical Laboratory Sciences Students Conduct Health Tests and Bring Joy to Kaurgosk Camp Residents

Students of the Medical Laboratory Sciences department at Knowledge University, under the guidance of (Dr. Rizgar Farooq, Head of the Department) partnered with (Dalany Laboratory) for a remarkable humanitarian endeavor, recently visited Kaurgosk Camp in Erbil with a mission to improve the well-being of its residents. The students conducted essential health tests and offered valuable health advice to the camp residents, ensuring their physical well-being was prioritized. As a heart-warming gesture, On the occasion of International Children's Day, the students distributed a diverse array of gifts to the children in the camp, bringing smiles and joy to their faces. This combined effort demonstrated the compassionate spirit of the students and their commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those in need.


قوتابیانی به‌شی شیكردنه‌وه‌ی نه‌خۆشییه‌كان، به‌سه‌رپه‌رشتی (د. ڕزگار فاروق - سه‌رۆكی به‌ش) و به‌هه‌ماهه‌نگی له‌گه‌ڵ (تاقیگه‌ی ده‌لانی) سه‌ردانی كه‌مپی كه‌ورگۆسك ـیان له‌ سنوری پارێزگای هه‌ولێر كرد به‌مه‌به‌ستی ئه‌نجامدانی كۆمه‌ڵێك پشكنینی سه‌ره‌تایی و پێدانی ڕێنمایی ته‌ندرووستی به‌ دانیشتوانی كه‌مپه‌كه‌، هاوكات و له‌ په‌راوێزی ڕۆژی جیهانی منداڵاندا، قوتابیان هه‌ستان به‌ دابه‌شكردنی كۆمه‌ڵێك دیاری هه‌مه‌جۆر به‌سه‌ر منداڵانی كه‌مپه‌كه‌..


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