The speech of the president of KNU in 1st International Conference of Applied Computing & Smart Cities (ICACS21 )
on Saturday 22/1/2022 Knowledge University held an International conference entitled : 1st International Conference of Applied Computing & Smart Cities (ICACS21 ) at KNU campus in the city of Erbil, Iraq and the conference continued for 2 days Saturday and Sunday 22-23/1/2022 from 9:00 am till 3:30 pm .
The speech of the president of KNU in the Conference :
Honorable guests, distinguished participants and attendees, a very good morning to you.
On behalf of the board of trustees and presidency of Knowledge University, it is my very great privilege to welcome you to the 1st International conference of Applied Computing and Smart Cities (ICACS21).
Before giving the floor to Keynote speakers, I will take this opportunity to make some general remarks and touch briefly on the ICACS21 Conference.
The development and adoption of advanced technologies including smart automation and artificial intelligence has the potential not only to raise productivity and GDP growth but also to improve well-being more broadly, including through healthier life and more leisure. Alongside such benefits, these technologies also have the potential to reduce disruption and the potentially destabilizing effects on society arising from their adoption.
It can be predicted that in this decade, the further development of science and technology, and especially fast breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, communication and information technology, will have an even deeper influence on global political, economic and cultural life. The key to building a sustainable society is the modernization of science and technology. Without modern science and technology, it is impossible to build smart agriculture, modern industry or smart healthcare systems.
In this context, Kurdistan Regional Government has made efforts to adopt latest technology in Government Digital Transformation, Digital Delivery, Strategy and Policy making, Government cloud provider, Government digital communications.
ICACS21 International Conference is the first conference of its kind organized by Knowledge University. The conference covers different up-to-date topics such as AI and Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Energy and Sustainable power systems, 5G networks, Employment of IoT and mobile network technologies in education among many others. These topics represent United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals of 2030’s.
Overall, in terms of participation in ICACS21, almost half of the papers submitted were international. A total of 35 papers were received. In order to guarantee the quality of the papers published our international technical program committee comprises of 21 experts in the fields relevant ICACS21. Each submitted manuscript was reviewed by 3 reviewers.
Only 19 papers made it to the final round; almost a 54% acceptance rate. Those papers will be published in ICACS21 proceedings, which will be eventually published in ITM Web of Conferences; a reputable European organization that will provide indexing with DOI and Clarivate among many others indexes.
We express sincere gratitude to our International Peer-Review team: our technical program committee, who volunteered and allocated big chunk of their time to review papers – their contribution is invaluable.
Again, I welcome you all to ICACS and Knowledge University wishing you a pleasant yet an enriching experience.
Thank you