Water Security And Management In Kurdistan Region - Iraq Workshop
On Wednesday, 27/10/2021, In the presence of Dr. Bewar Khinsi, advisor to the Head of the Kurdistan Regional Government for Energy and Water Affairs, Dr. Ali Rashid Khoshnaw, chairman of the Erbil Provincial Council, Mr. Masoud Karash, Deputy Governor of Erbil, Mr. Ari Ahmad, Director General of Water and Sewage, Mr. Akram Ahmad, General Manager of Dams, Asst. Prof. Dr.Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor the President of Knowledge University, teachers and students of the university, The Engineering College held a national workshop entitled: Water Security And Management In Kurdistan Region - Iraq.
First, Dr. Rebwar Nasser Dara presented a seminar entitled: Water Resources in the Kurdistan Region. A wide-ranging scientific panel was later conducted by seven experts in the fields of water resources, dams, and sewage, which took 2 hours to discuss problems, obstacles, solutions, and plans in the Kurdistan Region.
The number of attendees: 259