ICCRAMS: 2nd International Conference on Clinical Research and Medical Sciences
10 Feb, 2025

ICCRAMS: 2nd International Conference on Clinical Research and Medical Sciences

  • 10:00:00
  • published: 2024-08-10
  • Knu Campus

A special and unique transition is occurring within Kurdistan of Iraq, the ancestral home of the ethnic Kurds. Security and regional stability have initiated a new phase of innovative developmental changes. Improvements to infrastructure, Academic Institutions, Healthcare and other sectors of society characterize this change, the consequence of a significant demand for renovation and modernization. The result, an exceptional opportunity for the investment into and expansion of the integrant aspects of this society and, in particular, the field of Medicine and Clinical practice. 

At this very moment, a sudden and extra-ordinary transformation within healthcare is in progress, precipitated and driven by huge investments in private healthcare, permitting the distribution of the most advanced medical technologies to our communities and providing new treatment options and hope to those in need. For years, the healthcare industry was in need of critical restoration and adjustment. In prudent recognition of both the demand and need, the establishment of companies numbering in the thousands has followed. These requirements, which include the provision and distribution of medical supplies, clinical appliances and laboratory apparatus, has thus far culminated in the launch of hundreds of modern hospitals, laboratories, medical research centers and academic institutes. Gradually and consistently, from rudimentary origins, these numerous advancements in medicine and healthcare are forging the framework for a flourishing and exemplary healthcare industry and perhaps most importantly, one with tremendous potential to improve the quality of life of tens of thousands and save countless individuals from premature passing.

As one of the leading private Universities in the region and in respect to our imperative mission, to facilitate innovative research to support the development of the region, Knowledge University is striven to meet the needs of our community and, driven by our commitment, we aim to set precedent through the high-quality training and the generation of modern healthcare professionals. Despite this, our vision takes us beyond educational services and our desire to assist and accommodate the objectives of our community has set our sights into the realm of scientific research, a critical element in the progression of medical technology, theory and practice. 

With the infrastructure expansion and consolidation of the healthcare industry and growing pressure for the latest medical technology and practices, pioneering research is an emerging necessity to maintain the quality, sustainability and continuing proliferation of this societal sector. The improvement of medical services not only lies with technology but with regular and continuous audit of practical efficacy utilizing empirical research through monitoring, validating and accrediting medical services within the community. In strong recognition of the fundamental function that this research constitutes to the attainment of our ambition, the Research Center would like to propose the organization of (International Conference on Clinical Research and Medical Sciences) (ICCRAMS).

ICCRAMS as an initiative conference to accommodate all clinical doctors, practitioners, medical researchers, and clinical scientists together to build a robust bridge between science and medicine, clinics and research, patients and doctors, community and medical families. ICCRAMS provides a platform for the researchers, academicians, doctors and clinical practitioners to share their case reports, articles, ideas and publications. Knowledge University throughout organizing ICCRAMS tries to take the privilege in accommodating the top researchers of the region. This is in addition to welcoming the international excellences in order to bridge the exchange of science and medical research between the master minds of the fields.

ICCRAMS will be a huge medical event that gathers international and local medical practitioners, clinic researchers, and medical scientists in the country. Transnational and innovative medicine with scientific approach is the main theme of the conference. However, the aims of the conference are: 

  • Introduce the latest findings in clinical research.
  • Exhibit recent medical advancements and innovations.
  • Present global perspectives on healthcare with a diverse group of practitioners.
  • Discuss possible solutions for healthcare inequality in developing nations.
  • Initiate media campaigns for medical awareness.
  • Increase public health education in the community.



  • The conference is to be held in the knowledge University campus 
  • The conference keynote speakers are to be among the top scientists in the field of medical Science.
  • The conference LOGO and Name is solely creative and initiated by ECHO who owns the intellectual property.
  • The conference proposal will be shared with international partners if anyone interested to make it joint international conference.

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