DMEDIALAW24: Second Joint International Scientific Conference on Digital Media Effects on Society Security under Domestic and International Laws
- 08:30:00
- published: 2024-01-02
- Knowledge University
“Digital Media Effects on Society Security under Domestic and International Laws”
Click here to Register for the Conference
is the title of the Second Joint International Scientific Conference of Technical Department of the Media in the Technical College of Administration at the Sulaimani Polytechnic University , along with Law and International Relation Departments in the Faculty of Law at the Knowledge University . Its aim is to discuss media and legal issues and attracting the attention of the public opinion and researchers to identify the causes of the problems and find proper solutions for them and make it an action roadmap for the legislative, executive and judicial authorities. This joint conference will be held on Saturday and Sunday (27 and 28 April 2024) in the Conference Hall of the Knowledge University in Erbil.
Objectives of the Conference
- To promote the culture of Interdisciplinary research within media and law disciplines.
- To show the new thesis of confronting the idea of non-violence and the Digital dominance.
- To address the rapid growth of communication technology and its impacts on individuals and society.
- To Exchange information, suggestions, ideas, experiences and skills among researchers in the fields of media and law
- To raise the public opinion regarding the proper using of social networking sites and digital media services.
- To evaluate the extend of media performance and new legal approaches of addressing hate speeches phenomenon and repercussions as well as campaigns of falsifying images, videos, and information.
- To discuss media and legal development and subsequent impacts on the digital journalistic culture and community reconciliation.
- To encourage academic centers to design curriculums on ‘media education’ and ‘digital media safety’ for school grades starting from kindergartens to high school.
- To explore digital media challenges and opportunities in post conflict and emerging democratic countries, especially from media professionalism, laws and techniques perspectives.
- To discover common action grounds for academics, professional and non-governmental organizations aiming at protecting digital security.
- To explain the position of domestic and international law on the development of digital media
Terms and Conditions of Conference Papers
1. Studies should not exceed 6500-70000 words.
2. Abstract of studies should be written within 200-250words and include the content of the study attached with three to five keywords.
3. Idea of the studies should be within the framework of the major and additional themes of the conference.
4. Studies should not have been presented in previous scientific conferences or previously published.
5. Studies can be submitted with one of the formal languages of the conference which are: Kurdish, Arabic, Persian,
and English.
6. Studies must be written according to academic methodology and should include title, abstract, keywords,
conceptual and applied frameworks of collecting and analyzing research data besides results, conclusions and references.
7. Techniques of academic articles should be taken into consideration in writing studies in any language. For example, the font of titles must be (16), contents (14), and footnotes (12) in Calibri-body font.
8. The first page of the studies should include some principal information, including the study title, full name of the researcher, academic title of the researcher, mobile number and email of the researcher.
9. Following academic reviewing of all studies by reviewers, all accepted studies will be presented in the conferences'
10. All accepted studies will be published on the special online journal of the conference. Later researchers can use them for academic promotion.
11. Abstracts and studies in Word format attached with a copy of academic profiles of researchers should be sent to the conference email.
12. Researchers take responsibility for linguistic corrections of their studies.
Participating Fees and Registration
Participating Fees:
- $75; for participating fees of the conference which covers lunch, a bag of conference materials and participation certificate for researchers inside and outside Iraq who submit studies.
- $25; for attending fees in the conference which covers lunch, a bag of conference materials and attendance certificate.
- Accommodation and transportation costs are on researchers.
- Paying participation and attendance fees will be through this bank account:
FIB Bank IBAN: IQ31FIQB004020005010001
Invoice of paying fees will be sent to this Email: [email protected]
Click here to Register for the Conference
Conference Calendar
02/01/2024; Official Announcement of the Conference.
20/01/2024; Deadline for Receiving research abstracts.
28/01/2024; Approval of their research abstracts.
31/03/2024; Receive the full text of the papers and send the participation fee.
07/04/2024; Notifying researchers of the approval of their research.
5/04/2024; Receipt of final texts of research papers.
27 and 28/04/2024; Conducting conferences and panels.
Conference Theme
Major Axis of the conference:
- First: digital media and society security
- Second: The position of domestic and international laws in the development of digital media.
Additional Axis of the conference:
- Digital media and its impact on people's political, economic and social behavior
- Digital media between the opportunities and challenges of communication and social networks
- Digital media and domestic and international ethical and legal responsibilities
- Digital media between misrepresentation and social responsibility
- Digital media and diplomatic and public relations of institutions
- Digital media between the duties and rights of expression and journalism
- Digital media and the construction of online education
- Digital media and sustainable development with applicable laws
- Digital media and its impact on society, family and individual
- Digital media and its economic and administrative tools
- Digital media and artificial intelligence applications
- Digital media and legal responsibility for its crimes
- Digital media and language security
- Digital media and social education
- Digital Media and Citizen Journalism
- Digital media and crisis management
- Digital Media and Cybercrime
- Digital media and hate speech
Conference Proceeding
Presented Paper to the conference; In (The Conference Proceeding), It will be published. At the same time, the conference website, conference books and conference-approved papers will have their own DOIs. To raise their scientific titles; Researchers can benefit from the research they present at this conference.