
Erasmus+ Institutional Coordination Office

What is Erasmus+:

Erasmus+ is the EU's program to support education, training, youth and sport.

Erasmus+ offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in:

  • Higher education
  • Vocational education and training
  • School education (including early childhood education and care)
  • Adult education
  • Youth
  • Sport

The “Erasmus” program was originally established by the European Union in 1987. It looked to promote closer cooperation between universities and higher education institutions across Europe. This meant setting up an organized and integrated system of cross-border student interchange. Erasmus is a program founded by the European Commission and its aim is to finance international exchange programs. The program is gaining more and more popularity every year. It is the most commonly known of the many international student exchange programs which give students from all over Europe the opportunity not only to obtain an education but also to experience real life in a foreign country.

Over time, the Erasmus program has expanded in its breadth and depth and is now known as “Erasmus+”. Its extended form is a broad umbrella framework which combines former EU’s different schemes for transnational cooperation and mobility in education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Increasingly, it is also looking beyond Europe. 


The choice of the name “Erasmus” refers to Erasmus of Rotterdam, a leading scholar and inspiring lecturer during the Renaissance period who travelled extensively in Europe to teach and study at a number of universities. But at the same time, the word “Erasmus” also served perfectly as the acronym for The European Community Action Scheme for Mobility of University Students.

The program's objective is pursued through three “Key Actions”:

  • Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals 
  • Key Action 2: Cooperation among organizations and institutions 
  • Key Action 3: Support to policy development and cooperation


Key Action 1 is also called Erasmus+ ICM (International Credit Mobility). It is concerned with the mobilities (Exchange) of students, academic and non-academic staff between program countries (European) and non-European (partner) counters countries among higher education institutions. 

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) contributes to increasing the quality of higher education and can also contribute to greater openness between education programs in different countries. Only higher education institutions with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, ECHE, can participate and apply. The application may include mobility periods for both incoming and outgoing students and staff.

Teaching staff at the higher education institutions involved in an ICM project have the opportunity to carry out teaching assignments at the partnering institution. Staff from companies or other organizations can also be invited to teach at the higher education institutions.

A teaching period can last from five to sixty days (excluding travel days). The teaching and non-teaching staff at the higher education institutions involved in a mobility project have the opportunity to undergo professional development at the partnering institution.

A training period can last from five to sixty days (excluding travel days).
A period abroad can combine teaching and training activities.

Teacher on mobility must teach at least eight hours per week. Students have the opportunity to study for 3-12 months or do a traineeship for 2-12 months in the partnering country.

Key Action 2 Erasmus+ is concerned with the capacity building in the fields of higher education institutions in partner universities. It works on teaching curriculum development, teaching methodologies improvement, establishing modern laboratories in different fields, exchange knowledge. Transfer and acquire acquire the EU universities experiences in the fields of Internationalization, Governance, accountability. The implementation of the Bologna process and ECTS system are also the main concern of Erasmus+Key Action 2.

Erasmus+ Institutional Coordination Office at Knowledge University-Erbil

Erasmus+ Institutional Coordination Office ( [email protected] ) is a new office established at knowledge University on July 1st,2024. This office is embedded and it is a sub-office within the office of International Academic Relations.

The purpose of this new establishment is to gather all the grants and academic projects at Knowledge University under one umbrella. Organizing, arranging and archiving all the academic projects in one office. 

This office will work in close with local and European program countries higher education institutions on preparing proposals and bringing new Erasmus + projects to Knowledge University-Erbil to strengthen the academic infrastructure of the university to benefit the staff and students.

Grants achieved will show the strength of scientific activities conducted at Knowledge University and will be visual to everyone, to the public and end users. 

The office will be directed by assistant professor Dr. Mohammed Azeez Saeed, under direct supervision and full support of the president of the university prof. Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezaye and his excellency Mr. Dashti Najmaldin Saeed Bibani, the head of the board of trustee of the university.

پرۆگرامی ئیراسمه‌س پله‌س له‌ زانكۆی نۆڵج-هه‌ولێر ئۆفیسێكى تازه‌یه‌ لەناو ئۆفیسی پەیوەندییەکانی ئەکادیمی نێودەوڵەتی دا لە ١\٧\٢٠٢٤ دامه‌زراوه‌.

بۆ مه‌به‌ستى كۆكردنه‌وه‌ و ڕێك خستن و پاراستنى  پڕۆژه‌ ئه‌كادیمیەکانی زانکۆ ‌ و ده‌رخستنى ئه‌نجامه‌كانیان بۆ هه‌موو لایه‌نێك ئه‌م ئۆفیسه‌ دامه‌زرا. نیشان دان و ڕێكخستنى ئه‌م گرانت و پڕۆژه‌ ئه‌كادیمیانه‌ گرنگى و هێزو تواناى زانستى زانكۆى نۆڵج له‌ سه‌ر ئاستى ناوخۆیى و نێو ده‌وڵه‌تى ده‌رده‌خات  بۆ هه‌موو ڕێكخراوه‌ زانستیه‌كانى جیهان. هەروەها ئۆفیسی ئیراسمۆس پڵەس هەوڵ دەدات بۆ هێنان و ئامادەکردنی پڕۆپؤزاڵ و پڕۆژەی نوێ بۆ زانکۆی نۆڵج بۆ مەبەستی گەیاندنی سوودی ئەکادیمی بە ژێرخانی زانکۆ و کارمەندەکان و قوتابیان و خوێندکاران. ئەوەش ئەنجام دەدرێ لە ڕێگەی بەستنی پەیوەندنی ئەکادیمی و هاوکاری لە گەڵ دام و دەزگاکانی خوێندنی باڵای خۆجێیی و ئەوروپی و جیهانی. ئه‌م ئۆفیسه‌ له‌ لایه‌ن به‌ڕێز پ.ى.د. محمد عزیز سعید  به‌ڕێوه‌ ده‌بردرێت بە هاوکاری و پشتگیری تەواوی ڕێزدار سەرۆکی زانکۆ پ.د. ئەحمەد ئەنوەر دزەیی و ڕێزدار سەرۆکی دەستەی ئەمینداران ڕیزدار دەشتی حاجی نجمەدین سعید بیبانی.

برنامج إراسموس بلاص في جامعة نولج-اربيل دائرة جديدة أستحدثت في 1\7\2024 داخل مكتب العلاقات الاكاديميية الدولية في الجامعة.

الغاية من أنشاء هذه الدائرة هى توحيد جميع المنح و المشاريع الاكاديمية الوطنية و الدولية الممنوحة و التي تمنح مستقبلا لجامعة نولج - أربيل تحت سقف واحد لغرض جمعها و توثيقها و اخراجها بأسلوب سهل و حديث تعم الفائدة للجميع. أبراز و أخراج هذه المشاريع و نتائجها يظهر دور و القوة و المتانة العلمية لجامعة نولج على المستويين الوطنى و العالمى. وكذلك يعمل مكتب الايراسموس بلاص جاهدا اعداد خطط و الحصول علي مشاريع الايراسموس الجديدة للجامعة من أجل تقوية البنية التحتية الاكاديمية للجامعة و تعم بالفائدة العلمية لمنتسبيها و لطلابها. و يتم ذلك من خلال توثيق العلاقات الاكاديمية مع مؤسسات التعليم العالي علي المستوي المحلي و الاوروبي و العالمي. تم تكليف الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور محمد عزيز سعيد بالقيام بهذه المهة و ذلك بالتعاون و الدعم اللامحدود من السيد رئيس الجامعة الاستاذ الدكتور أحمد أنور دزيي و رئيس مجلس الامناء الاستاذ دشتي نجم الدين سعيد بيباني. 

For further information, please contact; بۆ زانیارى زیاتر تكایه‌ په‌بوه‌ندى بكه‌ به
Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Erasmus plus Supervisor and Institutional Coordinator

Email: [email protected][email protected] 

Mobile: 00964 (0) 750 462 2954

Knowledge University-Erbil

Kurdistan Region – Iraq;

Updated July 1st, 202024



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