About the Journal

There is an urgent need to establish such a journal in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region to support pharmaceutical research and basic sciences together. The journal's mission is to provide an open-access venue to publish scientifically rigorous articles in all pharmaceutical health care and science areas.

The aim of the journal, is to create a productive communication channel between researchers and practitioners, government agencies, and academic and research organizations.

Pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacognosy, natural product research, pharmaceutics, novel drug delivery, biopharmaceutics, phytopharmaceuticals, quality assurance and quality control in pharmaceutical industry, pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry, computational chemistry, molecular drug design, pharmacology, pharmacy practice, clinical and hospital pharmacy, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacogenomics, pharmacovigilance, and other aspects of pharmaceutical health care.

All published articles in the Pharmacy and Applied Health Sciences journal undergo a rigorous peer review process based on an initial screening from the editors and two blind peer reviews.

  • The journal peer review process is a "double blind peer review".
  • Simultaneous submissions of the same manuscript to different journals will not be tolerated.
  • Manuscripts with contents outside the scope will not be considered for review.
  • All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents. We expect our Board of Reviewing Editors, Section Editors and reviewers to treat manuscripts as confidential material as well.
  • Editors, Associate Editors and reviewers involved in the review process should disclose conflicts of interest resulting from direct competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with any of the authors, and remove oneself from cases in which such conflicts preclude an objective evaluation. Privileged information or ideas that are obtained through peer review must not be used for competitive gain.

The blind peer review/publication process includes:

  • The Author writes a research manuscript and submits it online through the Open Journal Systems.
  • The Editors do the initial screening and assign scholars in their area of expertise for blind reviews
  • The Reviewers review the manuscript according to the guidelines provided and verify the quality of research
  • The Reviewers return the manuscript to the Editors with a recommendation to reject, revise or accept it
  • The Editors draft a decision and send it to the Author with the Reviewers' feedback
  • The Author implements the recommended changes and sends it back to the Editors
  • The Editors make a final decision to either reject it or send it to publication


Important tips of Publishing Ethics in PHAHS journal.

  1. Declare to your chosen journal that your manuscript is not published elsewhere;
  2. Declare any conflicts of interest;
  3. Check all co-authors meet criteria for authorship and ensure appropriate; acknowledgements made in the manuscript;
  4. Include appropriate funding statements in the manuscript;
  5. Show informed consent and provide assurances that participants’ rights are protected;
  6. Register clinical trials;
  7. Explain how research using animals is conducted responsibly;
  8. Be alert to bias and follow guidelines for accurate and complete reporting of research;
  9. Inform the journal if you subsequently find errors in your research
  10. Sign the online copyright agreement;

According to PHAHS guidelines any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. Since peer review is a blin-peer-review, reviewers must not share the review or information about the review with anyone without the agreement of the editors and authors involved. This applies both during and after the publication process. We encourage all our reviewers to follow the journal guidelines.

Basic Principles
Authors submitting works to PHAHS journal warrant the following:

  1. Their article/chapter is original and free of copyrights;
  2. The work has not been submitted elsewhere, and is not under consideration with any other journal or publication;
  3. The work does not include libellous, defamatory or unlawful statements;
  4. Proof of consent has been obtained for any named individuals or organizations;
  5. Authorship has been agreed prior to submission and that no one has been ‘gifted’ authorship or denied credit as an author (“ghost authorship”).

PHAHS journal uses plagiarism detection software. PHAHS requires that all research submitted to the journals or books is original and the author agrees to these terms upon assignment and acceptance.

Dual Submission/Publications
Authors are expected to submit original, previously unpublished content to us. It is unacceptable academic practice to submit to more than one journal at the same time – authors are expected to wait until receiving a decision from one journal before submitting to the next.

Conflict of interest
All conflicts of interest should be declared by the author, editor or reviewer. Examples include:
      1. A financial or personal interest in the outcomes of the research;
      2. Undisclosed financial support for the research by an interested third party;
      3. A financial or personal interest in the suppression of the research;

Text Recycling
Authors are expected to submit original content to us. It is only acceptable for research to be repeated if it leads to different or new conclusions or for comparisons with new data. In all cases, it is important to reference the previously published work. If any element of the work has been published previously, you must ensure that this work is fully referenced and state it at the point of submission so that the Editor may make a fully-informed decision.

Authorship issues
In multi-authored papers, it is important that all authors that have made a significant contribution to the paper are listed. Those who have provided support but have not contributed to the research should be acknowledged in an Acknowledgements section. Authorship issues fall into three main types:

We require that authors obtain written “proof of consent” for studies about named organizations or people.

Unethical research
An author must follow appropriate international and national procedures with respect to data protection, rights to privacy, child protection and medical testing on humans and animals. Authors must make available all consent forms and requisite forms from the appropriate regulatory bodies to the Editor. If research is found to contravene international or national procedures, we will publish a retraction notice.

PHAHS journal is published 2 times per year. Accepted papers are published online ahead of print. PHAHS is published online when the process of peer-reviewing isfinalized. PHAHS's hard-copy published  bianually with the first issue publishes the accepted papers during (January - June) and the second issue publishes the accepted papers during (July- December). The hard-copy of PHAHS issues are published with all accepted online paper within each publication period.


PHAHS is an Open Access Journal (OAJ) and has neither article processing charge nor artcile submission charges (ASCs).