Publication Process

The Innovo Medica Journal (IMJ) adheres to a rigorous and transparent double anonymized review process to ensure the publication of high-quality articles in the medical sciences, pharmacology, nursing, biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and biomedical sciences.

  1. Initial Manuscript Evaluation: All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial evaluation by a linguistical editor. This step involves checking for plagiarism and assessing the overall writing quality. If the similarity rate is deemed high or the writing level is found to be unacceptable, the manuscript, along with the plagiarism report and linguistical editor's comments, is returned to the author/s for necessary revisions.

  2. Peer Review: Following successful initial evaluation, the modified manuscript is sent to two independent reviewers selected based on their expertise. These reviewers evaluate the scientific content, methodology, and significance of the work using an evaluation form. If one of the reviewers rejects the manuscript, the managing editor initiates a third review to assess its scientific importance, results, and validity for publishing.

  3. Author Feedback and Revisions: Reviewer comments are then communicated to the authors, who are required to address and revise the manuscript accordingly. To proceed to the next stage, at least two out of three authors (the two initial reviewers and the third reviewer, if necessary) must agree on the manuscript's soundness for publication.

  4. Editorial Decision: Editors are not involved in decisions regarding papers they have authored themselves, those written by family members or colleagues, or those related to products or services in which the editor has a vested interest. The final decision on publication is made based on the thorough evaluation by independent reviewers and the consensus reached among the authors and reviewers.

The BioMed Target Journal aims to uphold the highest standards in scientific publishing, promoting integrity, transparency, and collaboration within the research community.