Isolation and Identification of Helicobacter Pylori from RTE Foods

Dhamar Governorate in Yemen as a Case Study


  • Dhary A. Almashhadany Department of Medical Lab Science, College of Science, Knowledge University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Sara M. Mayas Microbiology Section, Department of Biology, Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar University, Dhamar, Yemen



Dhamar Governorate, Chicken sandwich, H.pylori, RTE foods, Yemen


This study was designed to determine the prevalence of H. pylori in RTE foods at Dhamar Governorate from January until June 2021. Two hundred and eighty (280) samples were collected in this works; these samples included (85) chicken sandwiches, (80) Red meat sandwiches, and (115) Salad. Our result indicates that the total prevalence and isolation percentage of H. pylori from all collected samples was 37/280 (13.2%). The highest rate of pollution with H. pylori was found in Salad 17/115(14.8%), then in red meat sandwich 11/80(13.8%), while the lowest rate of occurrence was found in Chicken sandwich 9/85(10.6%). There is no significant difference between the isolation of Hp from different types of RTE foods and months. When we study the relationship between months and incidence of Hp during the research period, the results show that the highest rate of isolation of Hp from different kinds of RTE foods was found in April (18.6 %), approximately close to this rate in May (17.0 %). But the isolation rate was seen decrease whenever moved away from these three months and in both directions. There is no significant difference between the isolation of Hp from red meat and months (p>0.05). 


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How to Cite

Almashhadany, D. A., & Mayas, S. M. . (2022). Isolation and Identification of Helicobacter Pylori from RTE Foods: Dhamar Governorate in Yemen as a Case Study. InnovoMedica Journal, 1(1), 13–21.



Research Article