HFE gene changes in obese individuals in Mosul


  • Tamarah N. Qasim College of Science, University of Mosul, Iraq
  • Muhammad Ahmed Ahmed Al Kataan College of Medicine, Ninevah Univrsity, Iraq https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9670-7494
  • Mwafk K. Hasan College of Science, University of Mosul, Iraq




HFEgene, obesity, CBC, Ferritin, total antioxidant capacity


Obesity represent one of major health problem worldwide in previous work in our laboratory significant change in iron status was notic. This study try to discover the relationship HFE gene copies number and obesity. This case control study included 90 subjects classified as 50 obese and 50 normal weight as the control group. Their ages ranged from 12 to 22 years old and carried out in Mosul during the period of April to June 2022. Complete blood picture was used to study the change in blood parameters. In addition serum ferritin was evaluated using ELISA kit.Gene copies number was assess using the GoTaq qPCR.  The results of this work showed that in obese patients highest levels of hemoglobin found in compare to control (p<0.05) As observed in patients leukocyte level was which significantly higher than control p<0.05. Elevated levels of Platlate were observed in a significant higher proportion of patients than controls, Neutrophil  and Lymphocyte also showed a significantly higher level in obese than control. High serum ferritin levels in obese individuals was observe in compare to controls. There was significant increase in the number of copies of the HFE gene in obese patients compare controls. In conclusion,  HFE gene copies number increase in obese individuals as compensatory mechanism.


Author Biography

Tamarah N. Qasim, College of Science, University of Mosul, Iraq




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How to Cite

N. QASIM, T. ., Alkataan, M., & Hasan, M. . (2023). HFE gene changes in obese individuals in Mosul. InnovoMedica Journal, 2(2), 11–19. https://doi.org/10.59480/phahs.v1i2.17



Research Article